Saturday, September 06, 2008

first concert

We took Lucy to see her first concert today - the Alphabet Rockers.

They were pretty good. We liked the songs but thought there was a bit too much banter/audience participation between them. Lucy would just be getting into the music - start clapping and dancing - when the song would end and more chatter begin. She'd then start to lose interest until the next song started - poor girl just wanted to get her dance on.

I understand what they were trying to do, seeing that the average age of the audience was 3 and attention spans are short, but I think the kids would have been fine with a string of a few songs before the next group activity.

It was fun to watch all the little kids getting into the music and join in with the audience participation sections. But I must admit, most of the parents were driving me nuts. [I think that many of them just forgot that they were in a place with tons of other little kids and their parents.]

All-in-all, we had a great time and we'll be sure to attend more concerts in the future.

If you're interested in the Alphabet Rockers, here's the link

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