Tuesday, October 31, 2006

an urban pumpkin patch

Happy Halloween!

Hope post-dating is only illegal with check-writing. Don't want to miss Halloween on account of the move.

Monday, October 23, 2006


We are moving in a week and are getting everything packed. Don't want to forget the baby, so we loaded her up with plenty of toys, Cheerios, and a book to help pass the time.*

*We did not really pack-up the
baby to move her — she is out of the box.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

happy birthday

Happy 1st Birthday, Genna, Vivi, and Henry!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday Dear Genna, Vivi, and Henry!

Happy Birthday to you!

I had lots of fun at your party.

xo xo xo

say cheese

Lucy went for her 9 month check up today. Her growth has slowed down a bit — she is now in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. The Pediatrician says this is perfectly normal, and Lucy is just settling into her own growth speed. Personally, I think this will make things much easier for guessing her clothing size [nice that she is wearing her age again].

The Pediatrician has also given us the go ahead for table foods. Today for lunch, Lucy had her first taste of cheese [Land O'Lakes white American]. She [as do I] finds it very enjoyable. In addition to the cheese, she has already been enjoying a few other non-baby-specific foods like bananas, yogurt, and of course Cheerios.

Monday, October 16, 2006

corralling babies

We celebrated the triplets' first birthday on Saturday. It was a large party, and everyone was invited, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to snap a few pictures of all 5 cousins together. [This is something that has never been attempted in the past.] I knew keeping 5 babies sitting still and smiling for 5–10 minutes could be tricky, but I certainly did not expect it to be the huge production that it was.

To capture this historical shot I enlisted the help of seven adults — four to keep the babies sitting, two to capture their attention and make them smile, and one [me] to snap the pictures. Above is the best of the lot — pretty good all considering. However, I think the reject pictures are pretty funny — you can see just how difficult getting this one decent shot was.

You know, I am pretty good with Photoshop, maybe I'll just create one with everyone looking forward and smiling . . .

cousins5 photoshoot

As promised, here are the not so perfect group shots of the Cousins5.

The Cousins5 [in order of appearance] are:
Vivi, Lucy, Cameron, Genna, and Henry.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

the many faces of lucy

While Christopher was off exploring the house, Lucy had fun with her new, and not so ambulatory, friend Declan. Being that Lucy is 2 months older, she made sure Declan knew who was calling the shots.

Fortunately, Declan is a good sport and took it all in stride.

fun with boys

Lucy had a playdate today with her friends Christopher and Declan. Lucy got along great with the boys and they all had a fun day. Christopher, who is a little bit older, was able to show Lucy and Declan lots of new, fun things. He showed them how to crawl, creep, whip balls [or any toy within arms reach], swirl out the Cheerios in the bowl, and even play quietly in his playpen. All the babies were so good, and we even had them all napping at the same time for about an hour.

If you can believe it, the moms and aunties actually had some girltime for themselves — a good time was had by all!