Friday, December 07, 2007

the irresistible power of jax

Well, it appears that we've had a little, unwanted guest running around the house. You'd think with 2 cats it would not be a problem, however . . . there was a mouse.

I had suspected it for a few days with the way the cats were running around like nut-cakes and Cleo constantly in pounce mode. [In my mind I chalked it up to chasing spiders, until . . . ] I saw a little mouse dart out from under the vanity and grab a Cheerio that Lucy had dropped a few minutes earlier.

That evening, Rob went out and picked up some live-catch traps. [To be honest, I wasn't really expecting it to work so quickly, especially w/all the dropped snacks around.] Anyhoo, he decided to set it up straight-away. The trap suggested using peanut butter. Since we had none, Rob said, "Let's try Jax – no one can resist Jax." [except maybe Richard, that is]. So he put one in [even though I tried to suggest waiting another day and getting the peanut butter].

Lo and behold, last night after a bit of a scuffle, the trap did what the cats could not – it caught the mouse. Actually, I think Mr. Red was a part of the scuffle. Perhaps it was part draw of the Jax and part fear of that big, red cat that got the mouse into the trap. Either way he was caught and set free this morning outdoors.

I've been watching MammaKitty hanging out near the release spot . . . Godspeed little mouse.


Unknown said...

umm...i thought jax were a treat only to be indulged at holidays and certain i understanding this correctly that you guys have jax on hand 24/7?!?!?

kmr said...

certainly not. they were left over from a special occasion - jax are a true "holiday" treat!

Unknown said...

very good.

-the jax police