Friday, July 27, 2007

a year and a half

I know it's the old cliché - "Where does the time go?" But, really, where does the time go?

Lucy turned 18 months old on July 21. [Yes, I know, I missed the date . . . but it's posted now - isn't that really what matters?] It's hard to believe she has been a part of our lives for that long [though, honestly, I can't remember a time before Lucy].

Anyhoo, I thought it would be fun to see a then-and-now photo, just to see how much she's really changed and grown in the past year. Below is a picture of her at 6 and 18 months:

I think she still looks the same, but with more, lighter hair; she's a bit taller; and she looks more like a little girl than a baby these days. [Oh, and that shirt isn't fitting as well, either.]

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