Wednesday, July 19, 2006

nearly there.

We are getting closer to a full-night's sleep. Last night Lucy pretty much slept the whole night through. She was awakened twice by loud claps of thunder, but was easily soothed and fell right back to sleep.

I think the key to this new development is the fact that Lucy has figured out how to roll over on to her stomach. When putting Lucy to bed, I always start her on her stomach — she falls asleep much quicker that way. At nap time, I let her sleep on her stomach as well. Lucy's crib is in my office [or, my office is in her bedroom] so I am right there should any trouble arise. [I think she sleeps better on her stomach because she tends to have tummy troubles]. At any rate, as soon as she falls asleep at night I roll her over [it's back to sleep you know, and God-forbid anything should happen while we were sleeping].

Now that she can roll herself over, I can let her stay on her stomach. Lets hope this is the key to a good night sleep. [knock. knock.]

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