Friday, July 14, 2006


On our annual birthday pilgrimage to the Cape [Cape Cod] for the best lobster rolls, Lucy discovered something much more exciting than sand, shells, the ocean, or even lobster rolls . . . she found her voice!

I don't know if she was afraid of losing it again or just likes the sound of it, but she used her voice loud and proud for the rest of the afternoon. It was really cute when she'd shout out and you'd say, "do it again, Lucy," and she would. It was really cute when she seemed to be responding to, and a part of, the conversation. It was all really cute until . . . we had to drive home. It was at that time Lucy felt the need to be heard from the backseat — she had a long story to tell, and shouting it out was the best way to tell it. Perhaps, she was summarizing her first trip to the Cape and all her adventures of the day? Maybe she was singing "Happy Birthday" to her Daddy? Hard to say. Fortunately for her, we hit quite a bit of traffic and she had a long time in which to say it.

I think once Lucy starts talking, there will be no stopping her.
She is woman, hear her roar.

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