Thursday, April 19, 2007

on the move [part two]

Three days shy of 15 months, Lucy took her first solo steps. It happened so spontaneously that her Daddy and I didn't even realize it had happened at first. We were hanging out and Lucy just side-stepped [about three steps] from the couch to me. I was lying on the floor and said, "Did she just walk over here? She was not holding onto me." As soon as we realized, we broke out in a loud, joyous chorus of "Hip! Hip! Horray!" Which Lucy most enjoyed, and begged for more. We did manage to coerce her to take a few more steps to me, but that was it for the night.

Today, however, Lucy and I played a fun game where she ran from the couch to me and back again. I managed to get a few seconds on tape but filming really is a 2-man job. [Especially, where she wants to see herself in the camera (thus the crying).]

Hopefully, we'll get better footage this weekend.

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