Lucy tried and enjoyed Cheerios for the first time today. She has been eating some finger foods already: Hot-Kid's Baby Mum-Mum and little Gerber fruit puffs and wagon wheels with no trouble. She likes to pick them up and feed herself. [Definitely much more fun than being spoon-fed by someone else.]
I enjoy eating dry Cheerios as a snack, and thought Lucy might too. [Really, what's not to like, they're toasty o's of goodness.] My hunch was correct — she even chose them over the cherry-flavor fruit puffs when they were both placed in front of her. [I can't speak for the other snacks yet — they have not had their own head-to-head contest with Cheerios.]
Spoon-feeding is becoming increasingly more difficult with little miss independent. Sure hope she learns to work the spoon soon. And, I have a feeling she will . . .
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
road trip
We took Lucy on her first over-night road trip this weekend. We drove three hours out to Saratoga Springs to visit her Grandmum and Uncle Richard. [No, not to go to the track, just to visit family — honestly.]
Lucy was great in the car [both directions]. Fortunately for us, she enjoys car rides and looking out the window at the world passing by. The car is also a great place to nap and she took advantage of that too.
We all had a great time in Saratoga. Lucy played with her Uncle, Grandmum, and Spookly [the square pumpkin, for those of you not in the know]. Lucy gave them lots of waves from across the room, or right next to them, as the case may have been. She was even content sitting on their laps for quite a while before souring.
It was a banner weekend for Lucy.
Lucy was great in the car [both directions]. Fortunately for us, she enjoys car rides and looking out the window at the world passing by. The car is also a great place to nap and she took advantage of that too.
We all had a great time in Saratoga. Lucy played with her Uncle, Grandmum, and Spookly [the square pumpkin, for those of you not in the know]. Lucy gave them lots of waves from across the room, or right next to them, as the case may have been. She was even content sitting on their laps for quite a while before souring.
It was a banner weekend for Lucy.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
and old friends

Lucy had a nice playdate with her friend Sawyer. Lucy and Sawyer had a fun day sharing secrets, playing instruments, and chasing bubbles. Sawyer was a little better at actually chasing the bubbles, whereas Lucy just reached out for those that were close to her. Either way, a good time was had by all.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
way to go, lucy
Today, I took Lucy to the grocery store and she rode around in the cart like a big girl — sitting up all by herself in the front seat.
Lucy seemed to really enjoy the fact that she was up in the cat-seat and could see all the exciting goings-on at the grocery store. From this perch, she could easily see all the colorful products on the shelves and more importantly, all the colorful shoppers passing by. [People-watching is far more entertaining than any toy could be.]
This will certainly make future shopping experiences much easier. [Well, at least until she realizes that she can reach out and grab the products.]
Lucy seemed to really enjoy the fact that she was up in the cat-seat and could see all the exciting goings-on at the grocery store. From this perch, she could easily see all the colorful products on the shelves and more importantly, all the colorful shoppers passing by. [People-watching is far more entertaining than any toy could be.]
This will certainly make future shopping experiences much easier. [Well, at least until she realizes that she can reach out and grab the products.]
Saturday, September 09, 2006
new friends

Lucy met a new friend, Jack, on a recent visit to Fairhaven. Jack showed Baby Lucy all sorts of fun things. He shared his cash register and highchair with her. He sang her the alphabet, recited her the numbers from 1 to 10 [in English and Spanish — boycotting the 7 in both languages], and he introduced her to Utz honey-wheat pretzel sticks. [Well, his mom may have helped a little with that one — but, either way, she finds them very enjoyable.]
Hopefully we will see more of Jack and his parents when they head north again.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
everyone needs a little culture

In addition to flirting with the paintings, Lucy enjoyed interacting with the other exhibit visitors — they were much more responsive, and lots more fun. Plenty of smiles and waves for everyone.
Later on, we actually ran into a museum-goer at dinner. Turns out she used to work with Rob. When Rob brought her over to introduce her to Lucy, she admitted that she had seen Lucy in the museum — loved the curls and smiles.
Lucy loves the social life — don't think she'll ever be a wall-flower.
Joe (Self-Portrait), 1994–99, oil on canvas, 60" x 51", Collection of Seven Bridges Foundation
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