Sunday, October 23, 2011

picking pumpkins

The days are getting cooler and leaves are changing color, that can only mean one thing — picking pumpkins!

Unfortunately this summer's weather was not conducive to a good pumpkin crop, but we still had lots of fun choosing our perfect pumpkins.

Thursday, September 08, 2011


Lucy set off for her first day as a kindergartener at my Alma Mata today. I was so proud of her as she held hands with her new friend, Angela, and headed off with her classmates to her new classroom upstairs.

The school still feels the same as it did when I was there many, many, many moons ago. I have such great memories of those times – I know she will love it there too!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Trix set off with backpack and lunchbox in hand to her first day at preschool today. She did very well. There were a few tears [mostly shed by her parents] but a good day overall.

Her favorite part of preschool is: "dancing!"

Monday, June 13, 2011

story land

We just came back from a fun-filled weekend at Story Land with our friends Megan, Todd, and Max.

Lucy was much braver than I ever expected – she went on every ride and loved them all*. She even went on the Bamboo Chutes [a flume] and the Crazy Barn [twice]. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her getting off smiling. But her favorite was the Antique carousel.

Trixie's favorites were also the Carousel and the Farm Tractors [after we were able to ride on the green tractor, that is.]

The second day it was pretty raw and started pouring, so we went out to lunch at Glen Junction. It seemed like everyone else at the park had the same idea – the place filled up pretty quickly right after we got there [clearly, we are still members of the beat-the-rush crowd].

After a good feed, we went back home to relax and watch a movie.

The kids all had a great time sharing a room in the deluxe chalet and sleeping in bunk-beds.

To see about the park and restaurant, check out the links below
Story Land | Glen Junction

*except Dr. Geyser's Raft Ride because she got soaked.

Friday, February 04, 2011

snowy winter

We have had much more than our fair share of snow this year. Being true New Englanders we've made the best of it, and have gone out and played in it a lot!

New Year's day was actually warm enough for Charlotte to come out and play with us too.

The snow just kept coming down and by the end of January we've had multiple feet on the ground! The girls still love playing in it and sliding down snow-slides we've made from walk-way snowbanks.

Unfortunately, we haven't had the right consistency for snowmen yet. The forecast says 6 more inches tomorrow – there is still hope . . .

Friday, January 21, 2011

birthday buddy

Happy 1st Birthday, Charlotte!!

look who's five

Happy 5th Birthday, Lucy!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

visiting santa

Lucy, Beatrice, and Charlotte went to see Santa yesterday. We had high hopes as we dressed the girls in their new matching red dresses and headed off to the mall.

Charlotte sat right on Santa's lap [not that she had any choice] and had lots of pictures taken. Lucy and Beatrice, though they talked big on the way there, only got as far as the picture-taking lady.

The picture taker tried her best to convince the girls to at least stand next to Santa, but they wanted no part of it. Lucy told her "no" [in no uncertain terms]. I do think that we could have convinced Beatrice, however, if her big nay-saying sister wasn't there.

Trix did accept a candy cane from Santa, but Lucy's had to go through me. I guess we'll only be writing letters again this year [Santa needs to know what to bring].

Unfortunately, there was no group picture. After the Santa visit, things started falling apart at the seams. At that point, there was no getting the girls together. [We couldn't very well put Charlotte on the floor next to the girls - she would never have stayed - besides, it's the floor at the mall (gross). And, Charlotte is just too big and squirmy for Lucy to hold.]

I am sure we will be getting a group photo of the girls in their pretty dresses - unfortunately, it just won't be with Santa.